
SADR participates in TICAD Experts’ Meeting in Tokyo despite attempts of disruptions by ...
Adissa Baba | on August 23, 2024

The African Union and TICAD experts’ meeting began this morning in the Japanese capital Tokyo, in preparation for the ministerial meeting, with the participation of the Sahrawi delegation. During the..

Chadian Government’s opening of a fictitious “Consulate” in occupied Dakhla: A violation of ...
Adissa Baba | on August 18, 2024

Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press Release, 16 August 2024 The Sahrawi government expresses its astonishment at the unilateral action taken by the Chadian government with its illegal and contrary-to-diplomatic-norms decision..

World Politics Review: The U.S., France and Spain Are Deluding Themselves on Western ...
Adissa Baba | on August 18, 2024

World Politics Review published an analysis by Dr. Jacob Mundy, in which he criticized the latest positions adopted by France, Spain and the US supporting the Moroccan illegal occupation of..

Namibia condemns the French endorsement of the Moroccan stance on Western Sahara
Adissa Baba | on August 18, 2024

The Government of the Republic of Namibia issued a Press Release last Friday 16 August, condemning the French Government’s endorsement of the Moroccan colonial fait accompli in Western Sahara, considering..

Sahrawi government condemns Chad’s decision to open fictitious “consulate” in occupied Dakhla
Adissa Baba | on August 18, 2024

The Sahrawi Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed its deep astonishment at the unilateral step taken by the Chadian government on August 14th, 2024, announcing, alongside the Kingdom of Morocco, the..

President of Zimbabwe and Chairperson of SADC reaffirms solidarity with the Sahrawi People’s ...
Adissa Baba | on August 17, 2024

The President of Zimbabwe, Emmerson Dambozo Mnanagagwa, reaffirmed his country’s support and firm commitment to the Sahrawi people’s cause in his speech upon assuming the presidency of the Southern African..

Sahrawi Ministry of Health Presents Its Experience in Combating Counterfeit Medicines before the ...
Adissa Baba | on August 10, 2024

Addis Ababa, (African Union)– 9 August 2024 (SPS)– The Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic presented its experience in combating counterfeit Medicines during the African Health Ministerial Dialogue on Countering Counterfeit Medicines..

SADR participates in 5th Session of STC on Health, Nutrition, Population, and Drug ...
Adissa Baba | on August 6, 2024

The Sahrawi Republic is participating in the Fifth Ordinary Session of the Specialized Technical Committee on Health, Nutrition, Population, and Drug Control (STC-HPNDC-5), held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia from August..

As Dean of the AU Northern Region, the Sahrawi Republic Submits Nominations for ...
Adissa Baba | on August 6, 2024

The Permanent Representative of the Sahrawi Republic to the African Union, Lamin Baali, in his capacity as Dean of the Northern African region, submitted the files of the region’s candidates..

The Dean of the Northern African Region deposits the Moroccan Candidate’s File for ...
Adissa Baba | on August 3, 2024

The Permanent Representative of the Sahrawi Republic to the African Union, Amb. Lamin Baali, in his capacity as Dean of the North African Group, deposited the candidacy file for Morocco’s..

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