

The President of the Republic | H.E. Mr. Brahim Ghali |
Prime Minister | Mr. Bachraya Beyune |
Minister of Occupied Territories | Mr. Mustafa Mohamed Ali Sid Bachir |
Minister of Interior | Mr. Brahim Beila |
Minister of Foreign Affairs | Mr. Mohamed Sidati |
Minister of Cooperation | Mrs. Fatma Mehdi |
Minister of Public Health | Mr. Salek Baba Hasanna |
Minister of Reconstruction of the Liberated territories | Mr. Salem Sid Brahim Lebsir |
Minister of Economic Development | Mr. Baba Fdeid |
Chief of Staff (Ministry of Defence) | Mr. Mohamed Elwali Akeik |
Minister of Education and Vocational training | Mr. Jatri Addouh |
Minister of Information | Mr. Hamada Salma |
Minister of Commerce | Mr. Bachir Ahmed Ami Omar |
Minister of Justice and Religious Affairs | Mr. Mohamed Mbarek |
Minister of Culture | Mr. Moussa Salma |
Minister of Transportation | Mr. Salek Mohamed Mbarek |
Minister for Youth and Sports | Mr. Hassanitou Mohamed Chbalal |
Minister of Water and Environment | Mr. Adda Brahim Hmeim |
Minister of Public employment | Mr. Mohamed Mami Tamek |
Minister for Social Affairs and the Promotion of Women | Mrs. Suelma Beiruk |
Minister in charge of the relation with Parliament | Mr. Fadali Ali Bouya |
Secretary General of the Government | Mr. Mohamed Cheikh Mohamed Lehbib |